Sunday, May 1, 2011

from John Whitmore

The last time I saw Tommy was when i was 16 years old and it was 1968. I had spent the summer in Europe with my family and was driving back to the West Coast. Tommy was living in this old Victoria house with his Mom, Anne Oppie and Joe. Tom's room was painted entirely black. Ceiling, floor and walls. We went to see a movie called "Blow Up." Afterwards, Tom never went home but spent the night in the streets of Ann Arbor. Never will forget that night. Very interesting family. Anne Oppie was way before her time. The next night I crashed the car that was bought in Germany and flew home. A summer to remember.

My mother was Annie Oppies room mate in college in a small college in Iowa. The other memory is driving to NYC in the back of a station wagon with all the Wehrer kids. I have no idea of the Wehrers remember the Whitmores but I sure remember Tom and the Wehrers.

John Whitmore

John Whitmore