Friday, June 25, 2010

Dream about Tom

I was loading my car, and I noticed someone sitting in the drivers seat. All I could see was the posture and a big thick long beard. I knew it was Tom right away. I guess it was the way he was sprawled low in the seat with his left leg outside the car. As I leaned in to look I saw he was playing music on a saw. It sounded just as you would expect from Tom. He had that kinda ha ha smile on his face. Then he popped out of the car, which was now parked along a cliff at the ocean.
He leapt high in the air (much higher than humanly possible) and over the cliff. It was a joyous leap. He laughed that hearty HA HA I got you kinda laugh. He was so happy and free, as he glided toward the ocean.


  1. wish I could have been there - I can so see it in my mind!

  2. Carla Battles, Tom's daughterJune 25, 2010 at 9:35 PM

    Sweet dream!
    his HA HA gotcha laugh... part of his mission in life... to Getcha!

    I remember as a kid-especially as a teenager- Papa would pick me up from school and I was half embarrest- half proud/amused that he was ALWAYS parked-double parked that is- with his feet out the window and usually asleep or reading a thick book.

    I have been having a lot of dreams of him. I never used to dream of him. But since he is gone, I have been dreaming of him so much. In virtually all the dreams he is smiling, carefree, beaming amusement and awe at the world, strength and trust.

  3. I didnt know him but we had the same birthday except i was born in 88
