Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day one in Mexico continued

So, we set off to spend the night in Sayulita, 30 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta.
This is where Tom spent his last week.
We knew the accident site was just south of Sayulita,
so we would pass it first. It was in the tiny town of San Ignacio. We pulled of and spoke
to a store owner. We had pulled of directly accross the street from the fated spot.
The store owner had sold Tom a coke the day before. We spoke to him and another woman and got some info, though neither were actual witnesses. Once again it was great to have Woody

It was pretty overwhelming to be standing there.

We headed down the road to Sayulita. We passed where we thought he had arranged to park his car. We parked and walked around and looked for a place to stay. A bit dazed from our day so far. It was spring break, and a mexican holiday so we had a hard time, but did find a place.
pictures of Sayulita to follow- p

1 comment:

  1. Woody's spanish is amazing. Its so nice to have him in situations such as this.
