Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a few more comments I want to make sure people see

from Steve Schindler

I am so very sad to hear of Thomas's demise. He and I had been trying to reconnect after many many years. He last called me from PHX on his way down to Mexico. I apologized for not hooking up with him when his son passed. He was so gracious and kind. He was totally excited about going South to surf. Thomas was the first guy of the Burns Park kids to do so many things, play drums, skateboard,take apart cars and motorcycles, drive cars and motorcycles, ski, listen to JimiHendrix. He was so freakin smart and charming it was scary. All the mom's always liked Thomas, he just had that killer smile and happy go lucky attitude with life. I remember being as his home around Xmas in 7th of 8th grade. He was wrapping a album cover as a present to give to one of his sisters. Of course he included a note saying that he was listening to the actual album..I think is was the Doors. Thomas athleticism could best be characterized a a Gumbylike ability to contort into or through any space. I also remember walking with Tom down Wells street on our way to Jay Williams house. Everytime we walked by the fence of one particular house we would try to walk the whole length of th top of the fence. He could always do it I struggled. On this particular occaision I fell and Tom laughing hystericaly told me I need to work on my STELLAR BALANCE. HE then proceeded to explain that we were all connected to all things in the universe. Therefore we only need to sense the connections and we would always be in balance. This was Back in 6th grade 1966? way way way before Carlos Castenatta. I can say with no hesitation that I loved that man as a brother from the first day I ever met him. Dola

From Janet Galardi Popper

A Tribute to the Man Who Turned Me on to Otis Redding

Thomas Wehrer
skinny boy
moving fast
sly eye smile

40 years or more since this crystal clear memory
Try a LIttle Tenderness
that's what you said
just try a little tenderness

From Moire:

On our Honeymoon we stayed in a lovely little town in Ireland called Dingle in Co.kerry.We decided to go horse back riding.Tom seemed happy about doing this so off we went.We found a riding stable and picked out our horses.The guide was in front,Tom then me.I was looking around at the beautiful scenery then I noticed Toms riding skills.He was bouncing up and down so out of rythem to the horse.I called out to him and when he turned I saw the anguished look on his face.Well that was it for me I started to laugh and did'nt stop all through the rest of our trip. He was so sore.Everytime we came across horse stables we would laugh so hard.That day I did wet my pants laughing.

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