Friday, April 9, 2010


Some of my fondest memories are from our family road trips from Ann Arbor to New Jersey, to visit our Dad's family. Tom normally enjoyed reducing Lisa and myself to tears. Which wasn't too hard, but he would tease and hit us and incessantly use use as his drum set. In the car (in front of our parents) he would relent, and include us in his games. He was very entertaining on those 12 hour trips. There were 7 of us. Tom dubbed Steve"the roving crowder" as at every rest stop Steve being the youngest and smallest would be switched from front to back seat, thereby crowding whoever he sat with.
Steve was so cute, we all really wanted him in our seat. - p

1 comment:

  1. After I wrote this I was thinking of being crowded in the car,
    and it reminded me of Carla's comment about being squished in Tom's car-p
