Monday, April 5, 2010

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1 comment:

  1. anna pachon-braterApril 12, 2010 at 9:50 PM

    I feel truly blessed to have known Tom Wehrer. He was an important part of my life when I got sober 17 years ago and has been someone I have continued to call a friend and care about over the years. He was a very positive influence in my life during a difficult period of my development. I learned so much about enjoying life in the moment from Tom. We took many "road trip"s together, throwing all our stuff in the back of his car of the moment-hoping that an important item would not dematerialize in one of the black holes that existed in his cars. He always had such an adventuresome spirit and loved all things outdoors in nature. Hiking with Tom could become extreme if he took you on a "short-cut". This happened one time on a 2 mile hike that became 15 miles long-but who could complain more than about 15 minutes considering the miscalculation landed you outdoors for hours in beautiful Point Reyes?

    Whether listening to one of Tom's many larger than life stories or simply laughing at the silly jokes he was telling, it was never a dull moment being around Tom. He came down to San Diego to see us about a month before he passed away. David and I and our 2 kids Brisa and Dylan had a great hike with him. Tom seemed different on that last trip. There was a shift-he seemed at peace and talked of his interest in Buddhism and belief in reincarnation. Since he passed, I have had 2 dreams about him in which he was asleep and at peace and told me with that Tom twinkle in his eye that he had not really died. I feel he is at peace. We LOVED Tom; his jokes, his energy, his insight, his eccentricity, his spirit. He will be greatly missed by all in my family. Namaste
